How to Share The Cove Movie in 30 Seconds

Hayden Panettiere who plays Clare Bennet from ...

Hayden Panettiere who plays Clare Bennet from the show Heroes (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

The Cove movie changes lives. For many of us, after viewing it, we want to spread the word. We want to do something about the unjust murder of thousands of cetaceans and the best thing that we can do is to simply get others to watch the incredible film. This may seem a daunting task to some. How does one convey the importance of viewing this mind-blowing documentary?

Every situation is different. An example can be found in Playground Activism, where Alex Lewis shares her casual tactics on getting neighborhood mothers involved in our cause. Regardless of the circumstances, however, there are some basic rules of communication that we may want to consider.


  • Don’t use the word, “should.” No one likes to be told what they should and shouldn’t do. “You should watch The Cove. Everyone needs to,” comes across as judgmental and usually triggers a defense mechanism in our subconscious.
  • Don’t tell them what their reaction will be. Unless they are your mostest bestest friend in the world, you don’t really know them. Telling them that they are going to love it, that they will be motivated or moved by the film is an assumption that they will not want to hear.
  • Don’t share too many details of the documentary. That’s what the movie is for. Too much information will allow them to determine whether or not they really want to view it.


  • Allow them to initiate the subject. Sea Shepherd or Save Japan Dolphins shirts, hats and other gear are perfect for leading others into a conversation. Even dolphin jewelry can work.
  • Tell them just enough to peak their curiosity and no more. They will then decide that they simply have to see The Cove because it is human nature.
  • Stay positive. Smile when you talk about the film.
  • Get them to say, “Yes.” Ask them if they like dolphins. Who doesn’t? By associating a positive dialect with the movie, you are helping to instill positive emotions as well.
  • Change the subject. Better yet, get them to change it for you. Discussing it for too long will put you in a situation where they are asking questions and you have no choice but to answer. While this may be ideal on a long cross-country train ride, most of our daily encounters with people are short. We want them to walk away thinking about how they want to watch The Cove.

As I stated above, every situation is different. The less time you have, however, can actually work for you. Whether you are in line at the check-out, in an elevator or at a gas pump, you can make an impact by using these few key dos and don’ts. Let’s say you are purchasing something at a convenience store from a female clerk.

Clerk: “What does that mean on your hat? ‘End it?'”

You: “Well, you’ve seen The Cove movie. Right?” (Let her think that she’s missing out. Everyone has seen the movie but her.)

Clerk: “No. What’s it about?”

You: “Oh! Well it won an Oscar in 2010. Do you like dolphins?” (Now you are asking the questions that prompt a positive answer.)

Clerk: “Yes,” she smiles.

You: “Cool! Who doesn’t? I think it was, um, Rolling Stone Magazine that said it was a cross between The Bourne Identity and Flipper. You remember Flipper. Right?” (It’s important here not to plug the magazine like you are trying to sell something.)

Clerk: “Flipper? Oh, yeah! I used to love that show.”

You: “Then you may want to see The Cove. Flipper’s actual trainer helped to make the movie. Just check out The Cove Movie Dot Com.”

By this time your transaction is over and you are heading out the door. The clerk may not run home to watch the movie, but she will most probably check it out eventually. Please take a moment to read the conversation again — but without my comments — to see just how quickly it transpires.

In situations where the conversation will be longer, however, it is a good idea to change the subject. Maybe you are at a party or a playground when you are talking to a lady. When you get to the part about Flipper’s trainer, also tell her how Hayden Panettiere makes an appearance.

You: “She was in that show Heroes . . . You know? ‘Save the cheerleader and save the world’ or something like that?”

If she’s a Heroes fan then she will start talking about the show. The subject is now changed. If not, you may want to say something like, “I like Heroes but I’m really an American Idol nut.”

Whether she likes that show or not, you’ve just touched on two different subjects. It should be easy to steer away from The Cove now. Later, at the very moment that you are ready to leave, have a piece of paper ready with the title and website written on it. Tell her you wrote it down for her just in case she wants to see it and give her the paper. If, at any time, she does try to ask about the movie I suggest you just tell her that you don’t want to ruin the experience for her.

I know for a fact that this works. I’ve done it many times. I’ve also done it with Sharkwater, The End of the Line, A Fall From Freedom and Whale Wars. The key is to stay positive and flexible. There will be those rare situations that call for a long talk about what happens in Taiji, but that’s usually on a train.

Do you have a story to share on how you got someone interested in The Cove? Please share it with us on our Facebook page, Cyber Whale Warriors. We may even include it here at