Friendly Eel

“Where there is a mind, there are feelings such as pain, pleasure, and joy. No sentient being wants pain: all wants happiness instead.” – Dalai Lama


Uploaded by  on Oct 17, 2011

Enlace Web Site Link : Después de mucho tiempo de tratar entablar amistad por medio de la comida, la buzo es sorprendida un día que la anguila finalmente se fraternaliza y le entrega su confianza. After a long period of trying to befriend the Eel through food, surprinsingly one day the Eel accepts to become friend of that brave and humble woman diver.

Desiring the touch of another is a yearning for affection. Who are we, humans, to decide when another living being may no longer feel? Who are we to decide that it is time to end a life so that we may consume the flesh thereof? We are no one but we believe ourselves to be as gods to exercise such authority.

Some would argue that we are bestowed dominion over all beings but our human counterparts. This may be true, but are we not given that same dominion over our children? With great power comes great responsibility. We are mere shepherds and guardians of the souls in the sea, in the air, on the land, and in our homes. Let’s not abuse that position.

I can do nothing about the abuse of all creatures except try to spread awareness on the atrocities and preach the simple concept of compassion. I know that I, however, can sleep well knowing I do not personally contribute to the torture or demise of any living being because I am vegan. Nevertheless, I do not sleep well because this world is filled with horror and anguish. We may not hear their screams or see their lives snuffed out. Most of us only see the bodies of these tormented souls in a store and we refer to them as “meat.”

“He who accepts evil without protesting against it is really cooperating with it.” ~ Martin Luther King, Jr

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