URGENT: Your Help is Needed to Save Killer Whales!

A pod of orcas is currently stranded in ice. Please consider the following and pass it on!

via Sheri Hargrove:

A HUGE Shout out to Kasco Marine, Inc.! They are working on getting bubblers out to the Orca’s. This is the same group that helped with the 1988 rescue made famous by the movie “The Big Miracle“. Thanks you Kasco Marine for stepping up to help. Generators will be needed on site if anyone knows a Canadian company willing to send generators or money please contact me. Please share far and wide to show your support for this wonderful company stepping up to do the right thing. We have a long way to go but this is a big start in the right direction. Keep tweeting and sharing this story. Publicity will make all the difference in the world.

Update: Sorry the updates are coming in pieces but we need a tweet out for volunteers and chainsaws to help cut through the ice up there. Jackie Bigford and Michael Q Todd could you lend a hand in this? Of course like a little help from Save Misty the Dolphin and Save the Blood DolphinsPaul Slabaugh lets get you rolling on this as well. Holise Cleveland III I know this is your domain as well. We need companies to donate lots of chainsaws and fuel to run them. Generators, tents, food, hot coffee, but mostly chain saws! They have got to be heavy-duty. Let’s make this happen! Thank you Kasco Marine, Inc.!

PLEASE pass this on again and again until you have heard that the supplies have reached their destination.