Tag Archive: Captain Paul Watson

‘Confessions’ Film Should be Required Viewing


If you thought you knew about Sea Shepherd Conservation Society while not having seen Peter J. Brown’s Confessions of an Eco-Terrorist, then you were wrong. Confessions is a prelude to Animal Planet‘s hit… Continue reading

Another Season of Whale Wars in the Making


Captain Paul Watson Rejoins the Crew of the Steve Irwin for Operation Zero Tolerance! “The slaughter of great whales has no place in the twenty-first century.” ~ Captain Paul Watson “There is nothing racist about… Continue reading

Video: Earth as Planet Ocean


Published on Oct 23, 2012 by seashepherd Captain Paul Watson explains why the oceans are the heart and foundation of all life on the planet.

Stargate Command #FreePaulWatson


Richard Dean Anderson, better known as Colonel Jack O’Neil from SG1 command us all to unite to save Captain Paul Watson from The Sea Shepherd Conservation Society. Captain Watson dedicates his life to… Continue reading

Video – Global Support to Free Captain Paul Watson


Published on May 24, 2012 by nickiM22 In May, 2012, Captain Paul Watson, Founder of Sea Shepherd Conservation Society, was arrested in Germany and may be sent to Costa Rica in a politically motivated extradition guised… Continue reading

This is About Protecting Our Oceans!


If you have been following the arrest and subsequent release on bail of Captain Paul Watson from Sea Shepherd then you will know that today there was an  International protest. Sea Shepherd supporters made… Continue reading

Paul Watson in Berlin 23. Mai « monopoli


SOS Day in Berin – Save our Skipper Heute war Paul Watson in Berlin am großen Stern und zur allgemeinen Info hier ein Video von seiner Rede. Er spricht über Japanischen Walfang und… Continue reading

S.O.S. Federation Starship Steve Irwin


I watched a video today with an interview with Sea Shepherd Captain Peter Hammarstedt and yes, it inspired the trekkie in me. If you are swimming underwater and you look at the stars and… Continue reading

Copy and Paste – Save Paul Watson – Act Now!


Time is of the essence, every minute, every email, every fax and every blog helps. Today is judgement day and the fate of our Captain will probably be decided. Please keep the activity… Continue reading

Time is Running Out for Captain Paul Watson and Sea Shepherd


It seems that Captain Paul Watson may have had a little luck on Wednesday with a late decision from the german general public prosecutor at 18:00 and a bank holiday on thursday, today,… Continue reading

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