Tag Archive: Education

‘Confessions’ Film Should be Required Viewing


If you thought you knew about Sea Shepherd Conservation Society while not having seen Peter J. Brown’s Confessions of an Eco-Terrorist, then you were wrong. Confessions is a prelude to Animal Planet‘s hit… Continue reading

India First Nation Ever To Acknowledge Dolphins As Nonhuman Persons; Outlaw Cetacean Captivity


On May 24, 2013, scientists and cetacean advocates alike were awestruck, inspired and elated to learn that India has become the first Nation in the world to acknowledge dolphins as nonhuman persons.  To… Continue reading

A Message to the Pro-Caps


Either you believe dolphins are intelligent or you don’t. Of course many people did not believe the Earth was round — despite support of scientific data — for quite some time. The facts remain! Your opinion… Continue reading

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