Tag Archive: Human

A Message to the Pro-Caps


Either you believe dolphins are intelligent or you don’t. Of course many people did not believe the Earth was round — despite support of scientific data — for quite some time. The facts remain! Your opinion… Continue reading

Why Marine Conservation?


One cannot save his own soul and leave a path of destruction in his wake. According to scientists, all sea life will be depleted by the year 2050. The oceans provide seventy percent… Continue reading



Definition of RELIGION a : the state of a religious <a nun in her 20th year of religion> b (1) : the service and worship of God or the supernatural (2) : commitment or devotion… Continue reading

Sunday 20FEB2011


Thinking and Feeling Are Dolphins aware of their own mortality and that of others?  There are countless stories of Dolphins saving human beings from drowning these are the stories that have actually been reported, I… Continue reading

All About #Dolphins


Scientists Say Dolphins Should be Treated as ‘Non-Human Persons’ The Sunday Times by Jonathan Leake Dolphins have been declared the world’s second most intelligent creatures after humans, with scientists suggesting they are so… Continue reading

Talk To The Hand IMATA!


  As soon as there were four of us, the police arrived. Within minutes we numbered a dozen with more of us on the way. The police officers were friendly. I was told… Continue reading

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