Rally To Save Dolphins/Whales from Taiji Hunts – Miami

Public Event · By Stephanie Bennett

The Cove

The Cove (Photo credit: elycefeliz)

Monday, November 26, 2012 | 9:00am

Rally to Protest Against the Taiji Japan Dolphin Whale Killings and Captures.
I have been actively protesting against this inhumane treatment/capture and killing of Dolphins and Whales via Twitter. I have not been an active Facebooker however this is something that I feel cannot continue in Taiji Japan or anywhere for that matter.

I’ve Decided to take it from the tweets to the streets! Having been following Sea Shepherd and Cove Guardians to keep up to date on the Horrific Hunts that take place, I feel that I have to help give . . . Read More and join the event . . .