Tag Archive: Sea Shepherd Conservation Society

Got Meat?


My contributions of the past were the worst of both worlds. I served everything from Shrimp Creole to Fillet Mignon aboard oil rigs and vessels in the Gulf of  Mexico. I was clueless.… Continue reading

Respect Your Allies and Their Heroes


When Hitler was attempting to conquer the world, nations banned together for a common cause. We had allies fighting beside us to save the world from tyranny and to end the atrocities perpetrated… Continue reading

Respect The Cove Guardians


My father once said, “Think before you speak.” I can understand how difficult it may be for some of us, feeling so utterly helpless. We are unable to do what we wish we… Continue reading

My Prediction


I believe that there should be three groups to govern the seas. Greenpeace: for research, protesting and deliberating with the suits. Sea Shepherd: for protesting and taking action. Then there should be a… Continue reading

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