Tag Archive: Sea Shepherd Conservation Society

Talk To The Hand IMATA!


  As soon as there were four of us, the police arrived. Within minutes we numbered a dozen with more of us on the way. The police officers were friendly. I was told… Continue reading

IMATA Protest


The IMATA Demonstration will be today December 5, 1:00pm – 4:00pm Seaport Hotel – Boston 1 Seaport Lane Boston, MA For map and directions, CLICK HERE and then click on “IMATA Demo.” Weather… Continue reading

Be Afraid, Whalers. Be Very Afraid!


The moment we have all been waiting for: Godzilla Awakens! “In the modern world, the interests of a particular community can no longer be considered to lie within the confines of its own… Continue reading

Heroes In Our Midst


David Bain works relentlessly to create awareness and shine light on the atrocities in Taiji. He befriends citizens of Japan to educate them in a compassionate manner. He posts articles and photographs on… Continue reading

Michelle Rodriguez on Still Wild Still Threatened


This is a “must see!” Please share this with your friends and perfect strangers. This is way too cool! We are starting to See Stars! It was getting pretty dark for a while,… Continue reading

Prof. in ‘The Cove’ sues film firms – The Mainichi Daily News


 Prof. in ‘The Cove‘ sues film firms, claiming editing was arbitrary Ric O’Barry, a leading global dolphin activist whose efforts to save dolphins is documented in the Oscar-winning film “The Cove,” speaks to… Continue reading

Too Much Time On My Hands


For those of us who have seen The Cove, we all fit into one of three categories: Not able to become a Cove Guardian due to family or job responsibilities and lack of… Continue reading

What About Whale Wars?


I just read an article in The Japan Times Online which indicates that the Japanese whaling fleet could very well be stuck in port for some time. According to Greenpeace Japan official Wakao… Continue reading

Doing What We Can


“Don’t worry! Everything is going to be alright,” I screamed into my wife’s ear. “You promise?” she screamed into mine. I nodded with a smile. But I was lying; something which I never… Continue reading

Taiji Butchers’ New Strategy


Instead of detaining the innocent dolphins for a day before execution, the butchers of Taiji, Japan are now murdering their victims on the spot! Why? I will tell you why. We are making… Continue reading

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