Tag Archive: Sea Shepherd Conservation Society

#Homeless but Loved


Performing a good deed is most special when you keep it to yourself. It’s like a warm jewel that no one can ever take away from you. If I help a blind man… Continue reading

Georgia Bound 13 – Home is Where the Heart is


“The huge gap between rich and poor, globally and within nations, is not only morally wrong; it is also a source of practical problems.” – Dalai Lama Jenni has reluctantly made the suggestion… Continue reading



By Save Misty the Dolphin Almost nine months to the day that Cove Guardians from Sea Shepherd Conservation Society discovered Misty the Dolphin in his filth-ridden backyard pool, another sick dolphin has been… Continue reading

A Flat Earth to a Dead Planet


When I was in Cartersville, Georgia, I met a man who was of the most despicable sort. I asked him if he had seen The Cove movie and his reply was, “Yes and… Continue reading

The Perfect Gift


I was raised by my grandmother who lived to the ripe old age of ninety-eight. She was truly a remarkable person. When I was sixteen, I had a friend visiting who happened to… Continue reading

Action Alert – Tell your Japanese Embassy to End Research Whaling


By Save Misty the Dolphin On July 28, 2011, Japan’s leading English-language newspaper, The Yomiuri Shimbun reported that the nation’s Fisheries Agency is weighing the possibility of ending research whaling in the Southern Ocean Whale… Continue reading

Beyond ‘JAWS’: The Truth Really Bites


By Conservation Author & Shark Specialist, Erik Brush When JAWS came out in the 70’s peoples lives in the oceans changed forever. The movie grabbed the attention of audiences everywhere and cast a… Continue reading

#Whales, #Dolphins, #SeaWorld and Bob Irwin


[The investigative report uncovered the use of cash bribes, vacations and even prostitution as a means to secure support for the Japanese whaling agenda.] Eighty-Nine Nations Ready for Verbal ‘Whale Wars’ in the… Continue reading

Why Tweet? Why ReTweet?


Some of my Facebook friends have asked why they should bother with Twitter and some of my Twitter friends have mentioned that they have not yet quite got the hang of the whole… Continue reading

#TheCove and the Pawn Shop


Yesterday, I decided to go downtown. It was an overcast day and there was rain in the forecast, so I called a taxi. I had a feeling that I should bring a copy… Continue reading

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